Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Stargate Universe

I was slightly disappointed when SyFy cancelled Stargate SG-1...though I was more disappointed when Richard Dean Anderson quit the series and was replaced by Ben Browder.  Anyway, I was still disappointed with the cancellation of the show.  On the other hand, it had ten seasons...that ain't bad by any standard.

I was even more disappointed when SyFy cancelled Stargate Atlantis.  I thought it was a nice evolution of the series and one that added more Ancient technology and mythology (and, thankfully, didn't have any of that Origin storyline).  The premise was sound...though it was hampered a bit by plots that echoed SG-1 a bit too much (with some notable the episode that featured the all-female unit and the CSI-like episode, both in the fourth and final season).  That said...I enjoyed it anyway.  Adding Robert Picardo to the cast was a smart move, as I never cared for Elizabeth Weir (the original actress that portrayed Weir in SG-1, forgot her name, would have been a better choice and might have made the character more appealing).

Now here comes Stargate Universe...the third series in the Stargate franchise.  Take one part Battlestar Galactica (camera snap-zooming, intelligent dialogue, big & old ship, searching for Earth) and mix it with one part Star Trek: Voyager (lost billions of light years from Earth on a ship with limited resources), you get the basic outline of Stargate Universe.  The end result is better than what you might think.  The episodes are unusually cinematic in appearance and the story lines are surprisingly well done.  I like that, so far, the crew has not encountered any English-speaking "aliens" that look just like humans.  In fact, they only aliens they have encountered so far are, basically, bug-like creatures.  That's cool, because I think the possibility of finding humans that far out is remote. 

I am liking Stargate Universe.  I am liking it a lot, in fact.  I am not saying it is superior to SG-1 or Atlantis just yet, but if it can keep up this pace and should be around for awhile.  And that's a good thing, in my opinion.

By the way, my favorite Dr. Nicholas Rush.  I'm curious to see what his motives are.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Torri Higginson did a great job as Elizabeth Weir! She was my favorite character after John Sheppard. The fact that that idiot Malozi killed her off so pathetically(along with Carson's also pathetic death)doomed the show.
